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Art Direction, Creative Direction, Branding


Client: EU Tempus Project
Category: NGO
Project tasks: Branding, Identity and Design

Project TEACH: Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia is funded under TEMPUS VI.

Inspiration for creating this logotype was driven from the knowledge tree which isa term that is being widely used these days. During the process of identity creation we have designed the logotype that has various important elements of the project - people/pupils, harmonization process, letters a and t (both visually recognizable), interaction between the stakeholders, system organization and functionality etc.

This project will harmonize the vocational pre-school teaching studies in 4 vocational colleges in the Republic of Serbia. Specific objectives of this project refer to: a) harmonizing curricula through identifying the role model curricula and developing curricula harmonization plans; b) implementing the harmonized curricula through accreditation and enrollment of students; c) improving transversal skills of teachers through training of trainers (ToT sessions) and local spill-over training sessions; d) improving teaching methodology and entrepreneurial competences of teachers through identifying learning outcomes and methods;

AD&D: Goran Pandža
Design: Sonja Kovačević, Olga Jorgačević
ACC: Filip Marić

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