Art Direction, Graphic Design, Layout Design
Client: PAFF / Pančevo Film Festival
Category: Culture / Events
Project tasks: Festival Catalogue and Other Material
Pančevo Film Festival (PAFF) is an international short and feature film festival. This year, festival celebrated its first edition during the first week of September (September 3rd to September 7th, 2014) in Pančevo, one of the biggest industrial towns in Serbia.
During PAFF, more than 50 international titles, ranging from documentaries and fiction films, to experimental and essay films of short, medium and feature length, werw screened at several locations and cinemas. Pančevo Film Festival is an event and a platform dedicated to cultivating and promoting independent cinema but also films created in any kind of production (big-budget or no-budget) that cherish original and cinematographically exciting approach to narrative, form, structure, and aesthetics. In other words, the festival encompasses all those movies that use mature and innovative ways of visual communication.
We were proud, excited and honored to be part of this festival and we are certain that the festival will be long-lasting and hoping that we will continue to be part of it.
Visual Identity: Vuk Palibrk
Logo Design: Vladan Milaković
D&AD: Goran Pandža
Design: Sonja Kovačević, Irena Malić, Margareta Nedeljković
ACC: Filip Marić