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Drawing attention

Creative Direction, Copywriting, Illustration

2014 & 2015

Client: MODS (Mreza Organizacija za Decu Srbije)
Category: NGO & Activism
Project tasks: Illustrations for Social Media

Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia – MODS has been registered in November 2014 andcurrently gathers 95 CSOs, dealing with children and protection of children’s rights.

The mission of MODS is fulfilment of the rights of children in Serbia, improvement of their position and life-quality. Through its work, network is devoted to the fulfillment of the rights of every child, reduction of children poverty, available high-quality formal and informal education and culture, affordable and quality health protection and healthy environment for children to grow up in and be protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence, adequate and transparent budget planning and spending, establishment and further development of inclusive society.

Our task was to find interesting stories that would be attractive for the followers of the MODS FB page, to create wider reach and also to attract new followers. Total of 36 illustriations were created, number of followers increased over 40% and the reach was more than 60% average, which is a something that exceeded our expectations.


AD&D: Goran Pandža
Graphic Design and Illustration: Sonja Kovačević, Irena Malić
ACC: Filip Marić

Copywriting: Filip Marić

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